About ACTION Lab

The University of Texas in Arlington is a tier-one research university according to the Carnegie Classification and holds the tier-one status in the Texas high-education system. Its college of engineering has developed outstanding facilities and labs for research and education. Dr. Li’s research laboratory focuses on traffic signal and ITS research, referred to as Advanced Computing in Transportation, Informatics, Operations and Networks Laboratory or ACTIONLAB. The ACTIONLAB has over 800 square feet space for 4-5 graduates to work and study. The research team focuses on smart transportation systems and state-of-the-art traffic control systems. The ACTIONLAB includes several high-end computing servers with a huge number of CPU and GPU resources for big data analytics and AI. The ACTIONLAB has also built its own high-performance computing (HPC) clusters with desktop computers and/or edge-computing modules, ready for various scales of computing tasks for smart transportation management research. The ACTIONLAB is also equipped with all mainstream traffic controllers and a state-of-the-art ATC traffic signal cabinet. All controllers and the cabinet have been coupled with traffic simulation software.

The ACTIONLAB can also have access to the traffic control intranet of multiple agencies across the country to retrieve real-world data.

The ACTIONLAB also maintains a live testbed in the public domain in collaboration with City of Arlington to demonstrate and better understand the latest research efforts in ATSPM, big data and LiDAR sensors for traffic signal systems.



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